Do the right thing

September 8, 2021

Why a Committed Workforce is Better than a Compliant Workforce

Sue Bingham (founder and principal of HPWP Group) says that, in her experience, 95% of employees are responsible individuals that take pride in their work. They care about the overall success of the company and genuinely want to do a good job. Unfortunately, the other 5% are the bad apples. And it’s these bad apples […]

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July 22, 2021

How Employees Shape Your Company’s Legacy

When thinking about an organization, the term ‘legacy’ often conjures up images of dedicated silver-haired leaders at the tail-end of their careers. However, a legacy is something that leaders and employees (no matter their age) can achieve through everyday patterns throughout their careers. In fact, your employees can start to form their own legacies from […]

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June 17, 2021

Leadership Coaching over Leadership Training

In today’s current global business quagmire, we need leaders that are thoughtful risk-takers, people that are worth investing in. Having a team that can see through the clutter and work together to devise and follow the best business strategy will only equal success.

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April 28, 2021

Inspiring Loyalty Through Doing The Right Thing

Everyone can agree on the importance of communication with customers during this past pandemic year.  We’d like to highlight a company we feel has been outstanding in their relationship with customers while losing millions in revenue.  To be transparent, we are long-time Delta loyalty flyers.  And there’s a reason we will continue to book with […]

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April 28, 2021

David vs. Goliath: Speaking up in Fear Based Cultures

Two decades ago, the interview by Oprah with Meghan and Harry would have been unthinkable.  It’s about a couple calling out alleged mistreatment by a long-revered “institution”.  However, it’s representative of sweeping changes being made in our culture today.  Think about those who created the MeToo Movement, Colin Kaepernick kneeling to protest police brutality resulting […]

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March 29, 2021

How to Become a Better Leader

As Baby Boomers retire and Millennials become major contributors in the workforce, leaders must adapt. Successful leaders, more than ever before, will need to create a culture where employees feel respected and valued and where they can contribute their best work every day. Below, we share 5 ways leaders can take action to lead differently.

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March 8, 2021

How To Prevent Your Top Employees From Quitting

When a valued, talented, and hard-working employee resigns, it can often leave behind a bit of a void within your organization. Unsurprisingly, studies show that the departure of a promising and well-respected team member can negatively impact their colleagues by lowering the team’s overall morale and productivity. Unfortunately, a resignation of this nature not only […]

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January 21, 2021

Employee Coaching & Engagement in a Virtual World

It’s no surprise that keeping employees engaged and satisfied with their work is critical. Engaged employees lead to higher team productivity, longer retention, and a high level of commitment to your company. But knowing how to best engage and train your team isn’t always clear.

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November 9, 2020

Using Technology To Better Engage Teams

Finding new and innovative ways to keep employees engaged and motivated can be challenging. And, with more and more people working from home, thanks to a particular pandemic, it’s becoming increasingly difficult to engage with your remote teams.

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