Do the right thing

July 3, 2024

What Is Performance Coaching?

Employees are the backbone of any company, and their growth and productivity directly influence overall performance. That’s why maximizing employee performance is essential to your organization’s success. However, even the most talented individuals can benefit from guidance and support to reach their full potential. This is where performance coaching comes into play. A company that […]

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July 2, 2024

How To Manage and Lead a High-Performing Team

Managing and leading a high-performing team is crucial for organizational success. High-performing teams are a dream for any organization, as their exceptional productivity, cohesiveness, and overall performance mean they are poised to perform their tasks efficiently and effectively.  However, building, sustaining, and managing high-performance teams requires deliberate strategies and skills. Additionally, effective management is key […]

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July 2, 2024

How to Build and Develop High-Performing Teams

What do Pixar, IBM, Adobe, and Netflix have in common? Apart from them being highly successful organizations, they also emphasize high performance in their company cultures. They have strategies and programs in place to build teams that are innovative, strategic, and performance-driven, which in turn delivers organizational benefits. Employees serve as the fundamental building blocks […]

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July 2, 2024

What Defines a High-Performance Culture?

Creating a high-performance work culture is often the key to organizational success. This dynamic environment is characterized by innovation, collaboration, and a relentless drive to achieve excellence.  However, such cultures do not materialize by chance. They result from deliberate and strategic efforts by everyone in the organization. Leadership must set the tone, demonstrating transparency, trust, […]

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June 11, 2024

Do you really have a culture of high performance?

Most companies will adamantly state that they have high expectations for performance.  And that may be true – in terms of expectations.  But do the systems for the enterprise and the leadership behaviors support this expectations?  When groups of leaders are asked if they currently have someone performing at the minimum, generally everyone raises a […]

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May 30, 2024

15 Benefits of Coaching in the Workplace

Coaching is a widely used employee development tool in workplaces across the globe. Many of the world’s top organizations partner with external coaching firms to provide their employees with targeted, individualized support.  Unlike training, which is typically conducted in a classroom setting and entails a one-size-fits-all approach, coaching is tailored to the individual employee or […]

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May 30, 2024

How to Sustain a High-Performance Culture

Have you ever read about companies in the news and wondered, “How do they do it?” They produce excellent work, have happy and motivated employees, boast a healthy bottom line, and always seem to be winning awards.  The secret is a high-performance culture. Contrary to common misconception, this doesn’t mean pushing your employees to do […]

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May 30, 2024

15 Characteristics that Make High Performance Culture

A high-performance culture creates an environment where employees are consistently motivated, productive and dedicated to achieving exceptional results. This culture thrives on collaboration, innovation and agility, allowing organizations to adapt to evolving market needs and capitalize on new opportunities. The benefits of investing time and resources into shaping a high-performance culture are enormous and can […]

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May 30, 2024

How to Build A High-Performance Culture in 2024

Creating a high performance culture is now more important than ever. With the increasing challenges and complexities of the global marketplace, companies that can develop a foundation of dedicated, motivated and agile employees will undoubtedly stand out and thrive.  Year after year, the strategies for creating a high performance culture may evolve. Still, the fundamental […]

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