Achieve high performance through your team.
Create the best workplace possible.


In addition to onsite training, we offer virtual, facilitator lead workshops for leadership developement.

High Performance Leadership Workshop™

Old style lecture-based training does not move the needle. For lasting change to occur, participants need to experience concepts in action.

We’ve spent nearly four decades creating and leading innovative, virtual activities that instill confidence and competence.

High Performance Staffing Techniques™ and High Performance Hiring Teams™

Hiring the very best people is the most important thing any company can do.  It isn’t easy and traditional practices don’t help.  These workshops break traditional norms and give you the knowledge, tools and motivation to hire the very best – every time!

High Performance Coaching™

Simply stated, traditional discipline isn’t effective. High Performance Coaching equips leaders to master difficult conversations and resolve performance issues in a fair and respectful manner.

High Performance Meetings™

Collaborating, planning, communicating and inspiring – this is the real work of leaders. It’s time to do something about what most people perceive to be a “gross waste of time”.  Transform your meetings today.

High Performance Employee Engagement™

Employee engagement isn’t another ‘task’ to add to your job, it’s how you do your job. Leaders have a responsibility to inspire creativity and innovation to maximize full human potential. Create a safe environment for thoughtful risk taking and see your metrics improve.

Why You Need It

  • Leadership mindset. This workshop has the power to transform thinking.
  • Business context. We incorporate business context in training design and measure real business impact.
  • Relevant and sticky. Years later, participants are still getting results.
  • Experiential. For lasting change to occur, participants need to experience concepts in action.

Download our Culture Case Study

Register for the High Performance Leadership Workshop Below

Download a copy of the workshop agenda


Workshop Schedule

Oct. 7 – Oct. 10, 2024

Phoenix, AZ


Nov. 18 – Nov. 21, 2024

Ft. Worth, Texas


What Participants Say

See what some of our clients say about us and our work. They can tell you how we helped their company and how we can help yours.

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