August 27, 2022
Fast Company
This type of bias may be behind why remote workers are saddled with poor performance reviews and sluggish career advancement.
In a 2022 study by Alliance Virtual Offices, remote workers have poorer performance reviews, are 38% less likely to receive bonuses, don’t advance as quickly, and do 50% more overtime compared with in-person workers. Is proximity bias to blame?
August 22, 2022
Training Industry
Annual performance reviews used to be the bread and butter of learning and development (L&D). These reviews can determine employee benefits, from salary raises to promotions and everything in-between.
But over the years, annual performance reviews have become a practice of the past. Employees nowadays crave
August 16, 2022
CEOWorld Magazine
The ways of working have changed. Most of this can be chalked up to the pandemic, but other factors — such as talent preferences — are at play. So, the question remains: How exactly do organizations establish environments where the new business model can thrive?
It’s been a long two years, but the business world is finally moving into the post-pandemic era. Some companies chose to return to the office.
July 29, 2022
Entrepreneurs' Organization
Like many companies at the beginning of the pandemic, we knew that if we wanted to survive, we couldn’t wait for lockdowns to end. We had to think differently and make experimentation the ethos of our company.
In the past, we looked at trying new things as another “goal” to add to the list. But we couldn’t get hung up on perfection as revenue declined. So we decided to experiment and launch short digital workshops in lieu of our traditional offerings.
March 1, 2022
CEO World Magazine
Do you see the Great Resignation as a human resources challenge or a company problem? So far, leaders are placing it in the former category, leaving the HR department to figure things out.
February 22, 2022
Harvard Business Review
The go-to response for organizational issues is typically some form of reactionary training. The mantra goes like this: Design the training. Deliver it. Move on.
January 10, 2022
C-Suite Network Advisor
I recently spoke with a strong, experienced transportation safety expert who had just left his company. He is an alumnus of our High Performance Leadership Workshop™ and had been hoping to introduce the high-performance approach to his company’s new HR Director. Unfortunately, when we connected, I learned that,
November 22, 2021
HR Daily Advisor
Professional certification for HR jobs tends to focus on compliance and risk mitigation. As an HR executive, you likely view these certifications as important—and that’s understandable. But this focus often
October 8, 2021
Chief Executive
Leaders often rely on tried-and-true practices to be successful, such as strategic planning, annual objectives, and budgeting processes. After all, you’re looking years into the future and determining priorities. The problem is that these practices can act as boxes that prevent growth.