September 28, 2023

Turning the “lazy and entitled” into employee rock stars


In the months and years since Gen Z entered the workforce, I’ve heard a lot of talk and opinions about these new team members. Occasionally, people marvel at these bright, influential young people. More often, though, the conversation is negative –– portraying Gen Zers as lazy, entitled and difficult to please or manage.

These misconceptions are far from the truth and (more…)

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August 4, 2023

Want to Engage Future Leaders? Empower Them


Leaders, do workforce engagement issues keep you up at night? If not, here’s a powerful wake-up call from Gallup. Last year, the global employee engagement rate was only 23%. Although that’s the highest level since Gallup started tracking global data in 2009, it means 77% of the workforce still misses the mark. Plus, it falls far short of the 72% benchmark seen in best-practice organizations. So, how can your company move in the right direction? Empower people — especially younger team members.


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July 19, 2023

How to Gain a Competitive Advantage Through an Outcome Mindset


Try implementing the following techniques to help everyone row toward the same outcomes and let go of the way you’ve been managing your people.

For generations, most leaders have followed a fairly consistent formula to keep pace with their competitors. That is, they measure achievement based on worker time and activity. In other words, when employees put in more hours, they are expected to get more of their to-do lists accomplished for the betterment of the company. Though this model used to work, it’s starting to unravel. As a result, more progressive organizations are gaining competitive advantages through the power of purpose-led and outcomes-driven approaches.


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July 8, 2023

The Return Of The Disposable Work Culture And 4 Steps To Restore Employee Loyalty


As long as workplaces have existed, companies have behaved badly. And the American workforce has put up with the trickle-down feeling of being disposable—fear, intimidation and uncertainty that undermine job performance and well-being. In “the good old days” corporate honchos told employees what city they would live in, where their office would be,


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June 16, 2023

How To Increase Transparency In More Aspects Of Your Company

Chief Executive

Leaders are being challenged today like never before. However, the challenge isn’t coming from outside forces. On the contrary, it’s coming from employees who are demanding heightened transparency. And although pay transparency in job postings has more than doubled since 2020 in response, executives are being pushed to be transparent in far more arenas.

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May 23, 2023

How to Recognize and Prevent Toxic Work Environments


Company culture matters. In fact, it’s one of the most significant factors that younger generations consider when deciding to stay at or apply for a job.

Unfortunately, it’s also something managers may neglect until it starts to cause problems. If their approach centers around pain points, issues are likely addressed as they arise, while their causes are ignored.

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May 15, 2023

How Leaders Can Embrace Flexibility and Still Find the Productivity and Creativity They Need


The new year dawned for The Walt Disney Company, and employees were in for a surprise resolution. Bob Iger, Disney’s returning CEO, wrote to employees to tell them that they would all be returning to the office for at least four days a week. As the man himself said: “In a creative business like ours, nothing can replace the ability to connect.”


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April 11, 2023

The Compounding Benefits of CSR and Employee Engagement

Quartz at Work

Corporate social responsibility, or CSR, has gained momentum as part of a healthy and thriving workplace culture. It’s the idea that companies should play a proactive, positive role in their communities and the world.

It benefits companies, too. In predominantly white, male-dominated fields especially, I’ve seen big steps taken to demonstrate CSR, and they have gains to show for it. ERGs, sustainability programs, and other socially conscious goals consistently bring understanding, appreciation, and representation to their employees. They’ve also seen increased performance.

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March 9, 2023

Why Leadership Needs to Start Stepping out of Comfort Zones Again

CEO World Magazine

Many were forced to step outside of their comfort zones when the pandemic ushered us into an era of “unprecedented times.” But looking back, being outside of the daily comfort led to great new ideas, adaptive thinking, creativity, innovation, and so much more. Now that many are pushing for a return to normal … maybe normal isn’t for the best.

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