Category: Uncategorized


June 11, 2024

Do you really have a culture of high performance?

Most companies will adamantly state that they have high expectations for performance.  And that may be true – in terms of expectations.  But do the systems for the enterprise and the leadership behaviors support this expectations?  When groups of leaders are asked if they currently have someone performing at the minimum, generally everyone raises a hand.  It’s not hard to change this – RAISE THE MINIMUM. It’s time to bridge the gap between high aspirations and tangible outcomes. Here are practical steps to elevate your organization’s performance from rhetoric to reality.

Here are two ways to turn high expectations into high performance: (more…)

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May 18, 2023

It’s Impossible to Explain – Managing Hybrid/Remote Work Part II

In our last blog on this topic we tried to understand why companies would use elementary school policies for monitoring work as well as treat people as commodities when recruitment and retention are major challenges today. Since that post a few weeks ago, more of the same types of examples continue to roll in.  Here’s the most recent.


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May 6, 2023

It’s Impossible to Explain – Managing Hybrid/Remote Work

It’s Impossible to Explain – Managing Hybrid/Remote Work

One of our family members is working remotely 100% of the time.  Her company fully supports this as a remote position BUT has written a number of policies to assure productivity and efficiency.  For example:

  • Two 15-minute breaks are granted per day at specific times as well as a 30-minute lunch break. She must log in and out.  The policy states that if an employee is “unresponsive”, they will be listed in the system as MIA with an associated code of TIME OFF NO PAY which, the company states, will impact overall performance.


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February 16, 2023

Return to the Office Does Not Guarantee Greater Innovation

Since COVID-19 restrictions eased, many companies have required that their employees return to the office.  Some executives and leaders reason that innovation is increased through in-person collaboration.

Let’s start by challenging the idea that collaboration and innovation can best be achieved when people are back in the office.

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January 31, 2023

Competition is Great – BUT Doesn’t Outperform Humanity

Football, soccer, basketball, etc. So much fun to watch and play. There’s an excitement in watching competition – whether it’s your child’s T-Ball game or a professional sport. The goal is clear: TO WIN. This is also true in non-team competitions like marathons, surfing, tennis matches, etc. As well as competing with others, you are competing with yourself to be the best you can be. Yes, competition is thrilling and there’s a euphoria when there’s a win. In all of these examples, there are losers. And that’s OK.

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November 11, 2022

Relentless Forward Motion

Relentless Forward Motion

So much is happening in our world (pandemic, great resignation, recession, inflation, and the list goes on).  Sometimes the feeling of uncertainty and constant change/challenge can be immobilizing.  While these challenges may subside, there will always be something else on the horizon so we need the right mindset.


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October 24, 2022

Divisive Leadership is Easy

If you’re in a position of power or influence, it’s easy to gain followers who agree with what you say. But what if someone doesn’t agree? In organizations where the leader is consciously or unconsciously addicted to power and largely motivated by self-interest, those who disagree find themselves outside of the inner circle. Although they probably don’t think of themselves as divisive, these leaders are not overly troubled by the disempowerment felt by those, not in the inner circle. And they are regularly lauded by those who are. Easy. But does it serve the organization as well as it serves its leader? (more…)

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