Category: High Performance Team


February 4, 2022

How to Avoid Making Mistakes When Hiring for High Performance Teams

How many of us have taken a mulligan when it comes to hiring new candidates for our organization? In golf, a mulligan refers to a do-over – a free pass for making a bad call on the first try. In the workplace, leaders also experience their fair share of mistakes, especially when finding the right candidate for a role. Given another chance, you’d likely make adjustments and do things differently. If you could, you’d take a mulligan.


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November 18, 2021

5 Ways to Build High Performance Teams

Zooming in on the tasks people need to complete – instead of emphasizing the end goals and outcomes – can suck the life out of them and even create zombie employees. This is why HPWP Group Founder and Principal Sue Bingham cautions companies against setting off their own zombie apocalypse. She says the focus should be on treating each person as a responsible human being. 

It all starts with believing in the people you’ve hired. Ultimately, you’d want high performance teams that are alive and willing to slay goals that mean something to them.


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